Our vision is to provide world class talent with utmost satisfaction to all the customers and to uphold the principles of business ethics and practice tenets of good governance. . We believe in not just giving out the best but also we believe to reach out for a long term commitment. When it comes to our professional partnership with our client we believe in making the complete circle. Ranging from the information to the minute details of the market research and even to the strategic advice, we help in the complete talent acquisition/Hiring process. We provide an expertise with the right assistance and the best people who identify the right talent to match your requirement.
Our mission is to provide excellence in human resource and to succeed by earning the satisfaction of our clients, the respect and trust of those who govern us and do business with us; and the pride of our employees
Integrity and Honesty. Our focus is on performance improvement by placing the right candidates at the right place at the right time & to be a value added partner for our clients.
Advice Consultants Ltd
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